Sunday, July 12, 2009

100 street children from Mariupol...Carpathian Mountains... AWESOME!

In just a few days we'll be headed back to Ukraine to serve alongside Pastor Gennady's "Church of Good Changes" at awesome, extreme, ultimate summer camp in the Carpathian Mountains!

What makes this "Awesome" is that we have the privilege to work with, serve and love 100 former street children; "Extreme" as we head off to hike the highest peak in Ukraine - no doubt lagging far behind the 12 year olds who race along the trail; "Ultimate" as we have the opportunity to share the Gospel with not only these children, but with many people we encounter along the way.

Can you imagine these children who once lived under bridges, underground beneath man-hole covers in search of warmth, barely surviving a hell-ish existence under the haze of IV drugs, starvation, abuse and victimization now reaching literal mountaintops?!

Thanks to the unrelenting dedication and hearts of the Pastors and staff at Church of Good Changes these children have been saved from the streets and now know that in the The Lord they are truly saved.

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